PIE - Plastics Information Europe is the leading source of plastics industry news, data, and insights in Europe.
The PIE success story
Market leader through innovation and expertise
The origins of today's KUNSTSTOFF PLASTICS INFORMATION GROUP go back over 50 years. Back then, the first issue of a new type of printed information service was published - "Plastics Information - KI, weekly for management". In the years that followed, a recognized and successful industry medium for the German-speaking plastics industry developed from very small beginnings. Today, Plastics Information Europe & Kunststoff Information presents itself as a comprehensive digital information system for decision-makers. Based on the online portal www.pieweb.plasteurope.com, the offering includes polymer prices, market reports, daily news on companies, capacities and trends, e-mail services, analysis tools and an online archive. Individual exclusive company solutions round off the offering.
Plastics Information Europe is one of the most successful media for the plastics industry in Europe and has by far the highest number of paid subscriptions of all corresponding publications. Through innovation and know-how as well as pioneering new solutions, we have become the media market leader in the plastics industry.
Plastics Information Europe is one of the most successful media for the plastics industry in Europe and has by far the highest number of paid subscriptions of all corresponding publications. Through innovation and know-how as well as pioneering new solutions, we have become the media market leader in the plastics industry.
We introduce ourselves
Get to know the people behind our success and learn more about our shared mission and values. Together we are the KI Group.

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As a family-owned company, we are committed towards living integrity, responsibility, respect and cooperation in all our business relationships. Our actions have a direct impact on our employees, customers, partners and the environment - so we always act with responsibility and care. We promote an open and respectful working atmosphere and strive to put the needs of our customers at the centre of everything we do. Through our commitment to these values, we create a positive corporate culture and contribute to a strong, trustworthy corporate image.